Great blueberry plant varieties for Ohio
Huge Chandler blueberry, quarter sized
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How to grow blueberries in Ohio
Favorite Blueberry Crumble Recipe
Pick the right blueberry plants to get successful harvests year after year and a longer season!
What I like about growing blueberries in Ohio:
Native to the United States
Chemicals sprays for fungus or insects not usually needed
Perennial plant: Comes back every year and can live for decades!
Low maintenance: May need pruning of old canes after several years.
Pest insects tend to leave it alone
Bumble bees and honey bees LOVE these plants!
Small size
High in antioxidants
Fun for kids
Brigitta blueberry plant, blueberries ripening
Great blueberry varieties for Ohio (zone 5-6)
*Plant at least 3 different varieties to get best fruit harvest*
Fruiting times
Early season: Late June - early July (Depending on weather in Ohio usually starts last week of June - 1st week of July)
Mid-season: beginning of July - late July (Ohio July 4th - last week of July)
Late season: Late July - Mid August (Ohio last week of July - Mid August)
Some of my favorites:
Spartan: Early, outstanding flavor, medium sized berries, growth 4-5 feet. Intense blueberry flavor. My favorite blueberry plant! ❤️
Patriot: Early season bearing, medium sized berries with very good flavor, growth 4-5 feet tall.
Blueray: Early Mid-season. Large sweet, great flavor, growth 4-5 feet tall. Pretty pink flowers in the spring.
Chandler: Mid-late season harvest, outstanding flavor, HUGE quarter size berries, growth 5-6 feet tall. One of our favorites!
Reka: Mid-season harvest, great flavor, heavy producer, medium sized dark blue berries, 5-6 feet tall, vigorous growth. My best producer every year. 👍
Brigitta: Mid-season harvest, great sweet flavor, reliable heavy producer, medium-large berries, 5-6 feet tall. Great for baking or fresh eating.
Liberty: Late bearing, good flavor, large sized berries, pick when fully ripe, can be tart. Good for extending season.
Top Hat: Mid-season harvest, medium sized berries, good flavor,
1-2 feet tall. More of an ornamental, but fun for small spaces.
Other Northern highbush varieties I grow:
Bucket of picked blueberries Columbus, Ohio
Blue Jay
Nelson: Late mid-season bearing, large more tart berries, good producer, growth 5-6 feet tall.
Darrow: Late mid-season bearing, more tart flavor, huge dark berries, good producer. growth 5-6 feet tall.
Legacy: Mid-season bearing, good flavor, sweet, medium dark dark berries, Good producer, growth 5-6 feet tall.
Draper: Mid season bearing, sweet good quality medium sized berries, good producer. growth 5-6 feet tall.
Jersey: Late Mid-season bearing, good flavor, sweet, medium sized dark berries, good harvest, growth 6-7 feet tall.
Blue Crop: Mild, like supermarket blueberries. Good harvest but flavor is just okay.
Elliot: Late season harvest, great flavor if picked ripe otherwise can be quite tart, good for extending the harvest, 5 feet tall.
Duke: Mild, like supermarket blueberries. Good producer but not my favorite. Will not be planting anymore of these.
Adding this year: Results to be determined in a couple years
Mini Blues
Southern Highbush varieties I grow:
These can be more sensitive to colder weather, but do well in region 6. Smaller plant growth 4 feet tall. I prefer northern highbush plants for Ohio.
Sunshine Blue
Blueberry plant ‘O'Neal’ southern highbush, white flowers
Blueberry plant ‘Sunshine Blue’ southern highbush, hot pink flowers
Blueberry plant ‘Blueray’ northern highbush, hot pink flowers
‘Blueray’ northern highbush, large ripe blueberries